Beyond the currency

There are plans to test Blockchain technologies with clear South East Asian targets, including a land-based development system that is under development in the country. Sweden and Japan.

In June, the United Nations introduced a system based on Blockchain technology developed in collaboration with Microsoft and Accenture, which provides a non-resident refugee based on a permanent identifier based on biological data.

On the internet, you can see the results of tests released in May that track the production line Designer from Martine Jarlgaard of London-based Alpaca Mirror Jumper from a farm in Dulverton, United Kingdom, at every step of the way. A series of production lines up to a Longitude includes a composite position and a timestamp.

R3 DiCaprio said it took a long time to achieve the introduction of the newly developed technology. Upgrade to a complicated field.

She said:

"The technology capability to achieve Blockchain technology is available in most developing countries. These countries have engineers that can code Blockchain. But understanding how to use this technology in a business context is still limited.

DiCaprio estimates that it takes about five years before we can see the use of this technology in a large form, and she believes that The strongest will happen at the macroeconomic level.

She said:

"For example, a rapidly expanding sector of business is financial. And in the financial business sector, you are talking about big companies in Asia, most of whom are exporting or importing from the United States EU ".

She added that financial transactions were faster, cheaper, and more transparent, combined with reduced risk. Of loans and loans will go to village level.
Beyond the currency Beyond the currency Reviewed by Unknown on May 24, 2018 Rating: 5

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